A Translator rebroadcasts the signal from an existing station (AM, FM & TV) to areas that have unsatisfactory reception of the original station.
Translators provide an excellent means of extending the broadcast range of your station.
When you receive a Search generated by our offices it will contain the following:
- a list of channels available (if any),
- the channel we recommend as the best for your purposes,
- the maximum power available and the radius of coverage,
- the population within coverage contours,
- siting area maps in cases where tower siting is critical or moves are required.
Translator Brochures:
Translator Q&A
Translator Q&A for “Fill-in”, Booster, and AM Stations
Are you a commercial station? We are happy to talk with your interested 3rd party candidate owners and file all the necessary work between them and the FCC.
423-903-3565 or sterlingjamesp@gmail.com