How to Start a Class D FM Radio Station in Alaska

How to start a legal and licensed (by the FCC) Class D FM Radio Station in ALASKA


A Class D FM Alaska Radio Station is a 1 to 99 watt radio station. There are many rules for everything, Class D included, but to keep this to a minimum, we’ll skip the details a “RF engineer” can quote and just jump in. The FCC allows Class D FM applications to be filed only in Alaska because the state is so underserved. Many communities, villages, and tribes have zero service in them…no roads, no power, radio, television, internet, etc. Therefore, the government allows only Alaska applicants to file for Class D Radio Stations at any time, on an “as needed” basis to help correct this problem.

You’ll need to be able to answer yes to the following:

    • Do you live in the community you wish to reach, or know a community with a group of people that can spearhead this radio station goal?
    • Do you have a non-profit group, committee, board or corporation, or the people for such?
    • Do you have an idea of how you would educate listeners, from the mundane to God focused? Think “program schedule”.
    • Do you have a location, whether an unused room in a house or church, or a storefront on main street? You’ll need somewhere to set up your operation.
    • Do you know of a location you think the antenna could reach the community? Need our help for this?
    • Do you have access to the funds necessary to build out a radio station? A budget for a nice used car will get this done. Do you have available funds to pay for the ongoing monthly recurring cost?

We can help you with all of your questions in regard to ensuring you know the right answer. And then, we’ll help you get it built.

CONTACT US TODAY TO GET STARTED! Call us (423) 903-3565 or email us at

MarkHow to Start a Class D FM Radio Station in Alaska