How to Start a Low Power Television Station (LPTV)
We can assist you in filing the necessary paperwork with the FCC for you to receive a construction permit (CP) for a LPTV or TV station. We are an engineering company first and foremost, however, we are asked equipment questions, budget questions, buildout and operational questions and we have a lot of answers to assist you as you begin. Our experience comes from helping past clients go through the same procedures you are now considering.
We provide all of your engineering filed before the FCC and complete and submit the FCC Form for the LPTV application. Our first successful TV application was filed in the 1970’s and we’ve been filing these ongoing for our clients since, both new applications and minor modifications.
We use the same software, computers, and database as the FCC requires, and know who to call to get it done. We work closely with FCC staff in preparation and submittal. When necessary, we are ready to recommend several great FCC attorneys, or work with your FCC attorney from the beginning if that is your preference.
Answers you need have been vetted through experience, past client build-outs and continued support, and through our relationship with the FCC.
Will we guarantee our work on your behalf will be granted by the FCC?
Unfortunately, no, there is too much evolution of the ongoing project to be able to promise you a YES beforehand, data changes constantly, as does FCC practice and rules. However, we can always tell you what to expect, how the process is going and the negatives that can change from a yes to a no, such as “You have a competitor which has turned up with deep pockets”. We guarantee our work will be grantable by the FCC which means the work is error free. What we don’t know is who else might decide to go after the same channel, what the market would allow in changes to resolve the competition between you and the other(s), and the timeline for the FCC to get moving on a filing window or eventual (in some cases) auction.
Call us to discuss your schedule, cost estimates, our fee, and the entire process. We will have to talk to know your plans which naturally affects our answers to you. We handle everything the FCC requires for your LPTV engineering, and assist in recommendations of equipment, sources, referral, and helping you go from A to Z without you having to figure out how to do any of this on your own. Life provides headaches, and our job is to keep you from having one when we work for you in regard to any broadcasting venture.
Are you ready to begin? Email us at, or call (423) 903-3565.