Steps to Establishing a Translator for Your Station

  1. We must find an available frequency,
  2. file an application with the FCC, and
  3. design a translator package based on engineering from the application.

We will begin and complete all three steps; this will be a big advantage over coordinating several different companies to work together on each step over the time required for completion. We keep your cost at a minimum by working with you on every phase of your project. Plus, you can finance almost 100 % of your entire translator program.

Information you must provide:
You must pinpoint the areas on a map that you would like to provide with coverage by translator. This is easiest done by using a pencil (no ink please) to mark a spot on the same maps the FCC requires*. We will work from these same maps.

After we perform a Frequency Search for your area, we would as your consultant recommend a channel that would provide the best coverage for the area you wish to reach.

You would at this point be able to make decisions on which pieces of equipment you would like to purchase for your translator. If you already own certain equipment you would prefer, or want additional equipment or brands we don’t have on this inventory list, let us know. We will be happy to design a custom system designed around your preferences, or omit pieces you will supply.

Our engineering fees are broken down into two necessary parts. The Frequency Search for Translators and the Application Fee for Translators.

The Search for Translator fee received by Sterling, accompanied by the Translator Frequency Search Agreement will initiate the actions necessary to begin your Translator Program. The Application Fee for Translators can be paid separately after the search is completed, or added to, and included in the financing of your translator equipment purchase. All equipment can be financed or paid up front.

After the Translator Application has been submitted to the FCC, and a Construction Permit is issued, your order for translator equipment can then be placed and shipped. Your financed payment schedule will be scheduled to suit your needs.

* All engineering work submitted with the FCC must be accompanied by 7.5 Minute U. S Geological Survey Maps.

Sterling Communications & Radio Communications Unlimited
How a Translator Works:


The FM Translator rebroadcasts signals from an existing FM radio station to areas that have unsatisfactory reception of the original station. Translators provide an excellent means of extending the broadcast range of the FM station.

We offer a wide selection from our inventory for your Translator Package (pricing may not be most current):

Transmitters Cost: $
Crown 100R (RF receiver, RF Amplifier, low-pass filter) 6290.00
Crown 250R (RF receiver, RF Amplifier, low-pass filter) 7590.00
QEI Quantum 75-E 3995.00
QEI Quantum 150-E 4495.00
QEI Quantum 300-E 5495.00
Silicon Valley B-150 (RF Amplifier, Harmonic Filter) 2250.00
Silicon Valley B-300 (RF Amplifier, Harmonic Filter) 2950.00
Superior Broadcast Products KN-100 1990.00
Superior Broadcast Products FMA-150 2790.00
Superior Broadcast Products KN-250 2990.00
Superior Broadcast Products DCVFM (20 watt Exciter) 2990.00
PTEK FM-150 (RF Amplifier, Low-pass filter) 1650.00
PTEK FM-300 (RF Amplifier, Low-pass filter) 2500.00
Antenna Systems for Transmission Cost: $
SWR FMEC (circular polarization) 750.00
SWR FMEV (vertical polarization) 750.00
SWR FMEH (horizontal polarization) 750.00
Shively Labs 6832 500.00
Shively Labs 6602 (optional radomes and deicers) 750.00
Scala FMO (circular polarized) 480.00
Scala FMV (vertical polarized) 230.00
Andrew LDF4-50A (50-ohm line) 2.50 per foot
Andrew L4-NM connector (male N connector) 37.70 each
Andrew L4-NF connector (female N connector) 37.70 each
Andrew Ground Kit 241088-1 30.00 each
Andrew cable attachment fee, each connector 14.15 each
Andrew cable hanging gear (factored on height of tower) N/ A
Antenna Systems for Receiver Cost: $
Scala CL-FMRX/ HRM (horizontal polarization) 440.00
Scala CL-FMRX/ VRM (vertical polarization) 440.00
Andrew LDF4-75A (75-ohm line) 2.50 per foot
Andrew L4NMNM-7570 connector (male N connector) 43.70 each
Andrew L4NMNF-7570 connector (female N connector) 43.70 each
Andrew Ground Kit 241088-1 30.00 each
Andrew cable attachment fee, each connector 14.15 each
Andrew cable hanging gear (factor on height of tower) N/ A
RF Receivers Cost: $
MTS 207-000 composite receiver (fixed-frequency receiver) 960.00
Magnum Dynalab Pro-101 (frequency agile, composite output) 1600.00
Belar FMRR-1A (fixed frequency receiver, composite output) 1590.00
Belar FMRR-4 (frequency agile, composite output) 1890.00
Towers Cost: $
Rohn (price depends on application) N/ A
Pirod, Inc. (price depends on application) N/ A
Power Protection Cost: $
Price Wheeler Corp. “Brick Wall” PWR1800 15A 229.00
Price Wheeler Corp. “Brick Wall” PWR3600 30A 429.00


Examples of two packages you might choose:

Crown 250R $7590.00
SWR FMEC $750.00
Scala CL-FMRX-HRM $440.00
Plus Andrew Cable kit (This price will vary for each application) ?
TOTAL:blank $8780.00



Belar FMR-1A or Belar FMR-4 (FMR4 add $300.00) $1590.00
QEI Quantum 300E $5495.00
SWR FMEC $750.00
Scala CL-FMRX-HRM $440.00
Plus Andrew Cable kit (This price will vary for each application) ?
TOTAL:blank $8575.00


Andrew Cable kit prices range based on tower height and application.

For Technical Equipment Questions, call Tim Kochis at (423) 396-3743.

MarkSteps to Establishing a Translator for Your Station